Terms and Conditions

Find in this page Tethys Research Institute’s terms & conditions applied to field research expeditions and to donations.

Any dispute concerning the interpretation, application and enforcement of these terms & conditions, and everything it entails, will be settled in the Court of Justice of Milan, Italy.

Tethys Research Institute does not sell online any commercial good. However, for any problem concerning online payments/purchases you can consult the European platform ODR (Online Dispute Resolution). Through the ODR platform, the consumer user will be able to consult the list of ADR bodies, find the link to the website of each of them and start an online resolution procedure for the dispute in which he is involved. Tethys Research Institute contact email is: istituto.tethys@gmail.com

Tethys Research Institute does not sell online any commercial good. However, for any problem concerning online payments/purchases you can consult the European platform ODR (Online Dispute Resolution, https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr). Through the ODR platform, the consumer user will be able to consult the list of ADR bodies, find the link to the website of each of them and start an online resolution procedure for the dispute in which he is involved.

The Christmas Discount Coupon is valid during the Christmas time holidays only (before January 10th,2024). It is not cumulative, hence it is not usable with other discounts (e.g. students discount). It is valid only for expeditions entirely paid during Christmas time (see below coupon’s validity deadline).

The discount is not valid to the “Expedition voucher as a present” at the moment of the voucher payment. However a 10% discount will be applied at the moment of the full payment of the expedition, only for those vouchers obtained from December 18th, 2023 and before January 10th, 2024.

When applying for a field expedition, within the Cetacean Sanctuary Research project in the Ligurian Sea, or within the Ionian Dolphin Project, in Greece, you accept the Tethys Research Institute’s Terms & Conditions. The following Terms & Conditions are present in the Booking Forms that you will receive together with the Order Confirmation email, after having paid the contribution to the project (Booking Forms for CSR and IDP), and must be signed and returned to the Tethys Research Institute office, viale G.B. Gadio 2, 20121 Milano – Italy (or by email: tethys@tethys.org) prior to your departure. Should you not agree with the following Terms & Conditions, we kindly invite you to abort your checkout.


  • The participation to a field expedition will not be confirmed until the Booking Form and payment are not confirmed by our office
  • Cancellations received in writing 30 days or more before the start of expedition will be fully reimbursed minus 20% of the full fee, to cover administrative costs
  • Cancellations received within 30 days from the beginning of the expedition will not reimbursed


  1. in case of expeditions that require a minimum number of participants, and the minimum number of participants cannot be met, and
  2. in case of a team cancellation due to a technical/logistical problem the Tethys Research Institute will reimburse the applicants with the full amount paid (no additional reimbursements are foreseen) or, upon request, will try to place applicants in other teams, depending on availability.

Informed consent

  • Participants have the right to quit any of Tethys Research Institute’s activities or abandon the research location whenever they feel that such activities may represent a threat to their safety: they will not be entitled to any sort of reimbursement
  • Participants have the right in case they are not satisfied with the quality of the research boat or the field base: they will not be entitled to any sort of reimbursement
  • Istituto Tethys onlus and its legal representatives, all its members and all those responsible, or involved, in the course logistics cannot be held responsible for any inconvenience, accident or incident, or illness participants may suffer from during their participation in the team

Participants are asked to declare in advance (Booking Forms) that they:

  • have read the Expedition Briefing document in full, and accept it
  • are in good physical and mental health and they are capable of taking part in the activities described in the “Project Conditions” section of the Expedition Briefing (CSR or IDP)
  • have informed the Institute of any relevant medical/physical condition at the time of their subscription and that they will inform the Principal Investigator upon arrival at the field base

A donation to the Istituto Tethys ONLUS can be deductible from Italian taxes, as from Law D.L. n. 35/2005 and following modifications (L. n. 80/2005). The following information is thus valid only for Italian tax contributors.

Advice: If you wish to deduct the donation from your personal income tax, it is obligatory to fill in the Fiscla Code field provided in the Billing details form. The Fiscal Code is used to issue a valid receipt that Tethys will send to the Billing address.

Tax breaks forseen for liberal donations towards ONLUS associations, are grouped on the basis of the donors (privates or corporations) and on the basis of the nature of donation which can consist of money and material goods. Taxpayers, be either privates or entities subject to the corporate income taxes who intend to provide donations to ONLUS associations can choose between two alternative kind of tax benefits.

Donations made by privates

This category includes privates who apply for the reduction of personal income tax. They can opt alternatively between:

  • deductibility, for money or material goods donations, up to a limit of 10% of the total income, and anyway for a maximum of 70.000€/year (art. 14 comma 1 D.L. n. 35/2005 and following modifications (L. n. 80/2005).
  • IRPEF return of the 26% calculated on the maximum limit of 30.000€ for a a saving up to 7.800€.

In both cases, in order to get the tax benefit, the necessary condition is that the donation must be trackable, thus made via bank swift or paid via credit card. For the donations made via credit card it is sufficient to keep and exhibit ( upon request from the Tax Agency) the expenditure summary provided by the society issueing the credit card agency.

Donations made by corporates

This category includes corporations or cooperatives, public or private who apply for the reduction of corporate income tax. They can opt alternatively between:

  • deductibility, for money or material goods donations, up to a limit of 10% of the total income, and anyway for a maximum of 70.000€/year (art. 14 comma 1 D.L. n. 35/2005 and following modifications (L. n. 80/2005).
  • IRES deductibility of the 2% on the corporate income tax, for a maximum of 30.000€ income (comma 2 letter h art. 100 TUIR).