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Book now and save 10%
Christmas time discount! Book and pay an expedition before January 10th (offer expires at 23:59 Italian time), and you’ll get a 10% discount on the participation fee.
Add the following coupon to the cart at check out:
Best gift ever
Best gift ever for Christmas: why not giving an amazing experience at sea with marine mammals to someone you care? You can obtain a personalized Gift Certificate with the name of the lucky ones receiving your gift. Not sure about the departure? Get a voucher at 450€ and the recipient will be able to freely choose their participation dates and their destination, Greece or Italy.
Help cetaceans conservation
This Christmas consider the possibility of making a donation to our research projects, the Ionian Dolphin Project in Greece and the Cetacean Sanctuary Research in Italy. With a donation you can help us protect whales, dolphins and seals and their environment!
Book now in the Ligurian Sea!
Dates for season 2025 at the Cetacean Sanctuary Research are available! Get on board and discover the incredible cetacean fauna of the Ligurian Sea, Italy.
Marine mammals in Greece
Dates for season 2025 at the Ionian Dolphin Project are available! Don’t miss a great opportunity of watching and studying the dolphins and the monk seals in the Ionian Greece!
Unexpected surprise!
Best gift ever: Surprise a nature enthusiast with an unforgettable gift! Choose a Tethys expedition to give. You can request a personalized Gift Certificate.
Donation campaign
Help us to ensure a long-term viability to the marine mammals in the eastern Ionian Sea
Donation campaign
Contribute to the safeguard of cetaceans with a donation. In return … choose “your” sperm whale flukes.
Last minute opportunities
Team CSR 20 (23 – 29 September 2024) has still a few places available at a special last-minute fee (700 Euro). Don’t miss this great opportunity to join us in the Ligurian Sea!
In this moment no last minute offers are available!
this year give it to Tethys!
Donate the 5×1000 and support Tethys’ 30-year commitment for the marine mammals in the Mediterranean. It has no cost and it can make the difference for the research and the conservation of these beautiful animals and their environment.
The Cetacean Sanctuary Project (CSR) takes place in the Ligurian Sea, N-W Mediterranean, between Italy and France, within the protected area known as Pelagos Sanctuary for whales and dolphins. Participants’ accommodation is on board a large and confortable motorsailer.
The Ionian Dolphin Project (IDP) is conducted in the coastal waters of western Greece, in the Gulf of Ambracia and in the Inner Ionian Sea archipelago. Project participants are based in the traditional village of Vonitsa and participate to daily surveys at sea on board of our rigid-hulled inflatable boat.
is on board the the 68 ft motorsailer ”Pelagos“.
every monday, from May to September from Sanremo, Italy .
8 different species, of whales and dolphins are studied, from striped dolphins to sperm and fin whales.
Book it now!
is in a nice two-storey house in Vonitsa, by the seaside
every Sunday, from June to September
Main two species subject of study are bottlenose and common dolphins. Other marine animals frequently observed are striped dolphins, sea turtles and Mediterranean monk seals.
Participants enjoyed our expeditions since 1991
Km surveyed
Days spent at sea
Sightings of marine mammals
The Tethys Research Institute is a non-profit research organisation supporting marine conservation through science and public awareness, founded in 1986 and headquartered at the Civic Aquarium of Milano, Italy. Tethys’ main goal is the conservation of the marine environment, achieved through the provision of scientific knowledge to conservation policy, the participation in the international conservation process, and public awareness. Over almost three decades of work, Tethys has generated one of the largest datasets on Mediterranean cetaceans and communicated the results of its research in hundreds of scientific publications. In 1991 Tethys was the first to conceive and propose the creation of an iconic protected area, the Pelagos Sanctuary for the Conservation of Mediterranean Marine Mammals, the world’s first to be established beyond national jurisdiction. Since 1987 Tethys has involved thousands of people from all over the world as research volunteers in its conservation activities. Funding to Tethys derive from government and EC grants, private donors, and contributions from research volunteers. The work of Tethys is based on the collaboration of approximately 30 associates and assistants.
Befriend a sperm whale from the Pelagos Sanctuary or donate its friendship to someone you love for Christmas time. With this symbolic gift you will support the research and conservation of Mediterranean cetaceans through the Tethys Research Institute.